Skippers Skills Weekend Course

Qualified Skippers often tell us that there are things they never get to practice when they go cruising or racing with friends. This course aims to address this by offering skippers a brush up and improvers weekend.

This course is designed for all skippers who feel that they are a bit rusty and is mostForedeck Work appropriate for those who have a skills level equivalent to someone who has already attended the BOSS Boat Handling and BOSS Sailpower weekends.

  • Close Quarters Boat Handling under Sail 

  • Blind (Fog) Navigation 

  • Advanced sail handling

  • Spinnaker Handling

  • Secondary port calculations 

  • Intricate pilotage 

  • Sailing onto moorings and pontoons

  • Man Overboard recovery

Each Qualified Skippers weekend is different as the course is programmed around the individual needs of those onboard.

Teaching ratio on board 5:1



Please contact us for latest dates and availability call +44 (0) 2380457733